

Litstack is made available to the community as an open-source project. We are spending our free time to improve and maintain this project. Therefore we are very happy that you are considering supporting this through sponsoring. We also give something back for our sponsors. Extensive screencasts and helpfull additional package for litstack like bladesmith or pages.

How it Works

To get access to the sponsorware go to github.com/sponsors/litstack and read the tier section on the right side. Select a tier to get access to the desired sponsorware.


To get access to the screencasts go to litstack.io/screencasts and log in with your github account. You will then be shown the sponsorware videos.


To get access to the packages bladesmith and pages you can send an email to lennart.carbe@gmail.com. Lennart will then send you an access token to install the private composer packages.

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