
You can make models searchable and allow your user to quickly find what they are looking for.



First you need to enable the search by adding the Ignite\Search\SearchServiceProvider service provider to you lit config:

// ...

'providers' => [
    // ...

Now you choose the crud's that should be searchable and edit the displayed search result by adding the searchResult method to the associated crud config:

use App\Models\Order;
use Ignite\Search\Result;

class OrderConfig extends CrudConfig
    // ...

    public function searchResult(Result $result, Order $order)
            ->title("Order #{$order->id}")
            ->description($order->products()->count().' Products.')
            ->hint("Created By {$order->user->name}")

And finally register the crud config to your search in the created SearchConfig:

public function main(Search $search)

Image Preview

To add an image preview you may pass the image to the search result:

public function searchResult(Result $result, User $user)
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