

The admin interface can be extended with custom Vue components for numerous purposes. This documents describes how custom Vue components can be added to the application.

Extend Vue

To include your own Vue components in the admin application, the local npm package vendor/litstack/litstack has to be installed. This can be done using the following artisan command:

php artisan lit:extend

At the beginning of your webpack.mix.js the import of the Litstack mix config will be added automatically. Two files are compiled:

  • lit/resources/js/app.js => public/lit/js/app.js
  • lit/resources/sass/app.scss => public/lit/css/app.css

Add them to assets in the config.

'assets' => [
    'app_js' => '/lit/js/app.js',
    'scripts' => [
        // Add more js files here ...
    'styles' => [
        // Add more css files here ...

All javascript files can be found in lit/resources/js.

Components that are created in the components folder are automatically registered.

Run npm run watch and you are good to go.

Dont forget to compile your assets every time you update the package.

Register Vue Components

Vue Components that are located in the ./lit/resources/js/components folder are automatically globally registered. They can be used for example in Pages, Tables or anywhere where you want to include Vue components.

Bootstrap Vue

To make it easy to build uniform Litstack pages, the package uses Bootstrap Vue for all frontend components. Bootstrap Vue comes with a large number of components to cover all the necessary areas needed to build an application.



The can mixin checks if the authenticated user has a permission.

<template v-if="can('read message')">{{ message }}</template>


The user mixin returns the authenticated User Model.

<span>{{ user().name }}</span>


i18n-vue is used for the translation in Vue. All translations that are available in php are available in i18n-vue as well like shown in the example:

return [
    "welcome": "Welcome to Litstack"
    {{ $t('message.welcome') }}
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