

A DateTime-Picker.


The following example shows the basic usage of the datetime field.

    ->hint('Chose a date.')


$form->dt('publish_at') // dt and datetime work the same

Date and Time

You may enable to pick a time as well by settings onlyDate to false:

    ->hint('Chose a date.')


Method Description
$field->title('Publish At') The title description for this field.
$field->formatted('LL') The shown datetime format. (Usefull formats listed below.)
$field->hint('Pick a date.') A closure where all repeatable blocks are defined.
$field->onlyDate() Pick date only (default: true).
$field->onlyTime() Pick time only (default: false).
$field->minuteInterval(15) Timepicker minute interval (default: 5).
$field->width(1/2) Width of the field.
$field->rules('required') Rules that should be applied when updating and creating.
$field->creationRules('required') Rules that should be applied when creating.
$field->updateRules('required') Rules that should be applied when updating.


Usefull formats:

Key Example Result
LT 2:15 PM
LTS 2:15:52 PM
L 12/08/2019
l 12/8/2019
LL December 8, 2019
ll Dec 8, 2019
LLL December 8, 2019 2:15 PM
lll Dec 8, 2019 2:15 PM
LLLL Sunday, December 8, 2019 2:15 PM
llll Sun, Dec 8, 2019 2:15 PM
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