Index Config


Each Crud configuration can have an index page that shows an overview of the models. This index page is configured in the index method of its corresponding config.

use Ignite\Crud\CrudIndex;

public function index(CrudIndex $page)
    // Build your index page here.

Ignite\Crud\CrudIndex is an instance of Ignite\Page\Page so all functions described in the Page documentation can be used. This includes bindung Vue components, Blade views or Livewire components to a page:

$page->component('foo'); // Vue component
$page->view('foo'); // Blade view
$page->livewire('foo'); // Livewire component

In the Config for a CRUD model its index table is defined.


The index table is built using the method table like this:

use Ignite\Crud\CrudIndex;

public function index(CrudIndex $page)
    $page->table(function($table) {
        $table->col('Name')->value('{first_name} {last_name}');

The table config describes how columns with images, relations and much more can be built.

Eager Loading

Eager loadings can be performend in the query method. Here you can modify the query that is executed when loading the index table items.

use Ignite\Crud\CrudIndex;

public function index(CrudIndex $page)
        ->query(function($query) {

All attributes to be searched for are specified in search. You can also specify relations and their attributes.

use Ignite\Crud\CrudIndex;

public function index(CrudIndex $page)
    $page->table(...)->search('title', '');


You can sort by all model attributes as well as relations attributes. The sortBy attributes are specified as follows: {attributes}.{desc|asc}. The default attribute to sort by is specified in the sortByDefault method.

use Ignite\Crud\CrudIndex;

public function index(CrudIndex $page)

In this example you can see how the array for the sort attributes can look like to sort by id or by a relation.

use Ignite\Crud\CrudIndex;

public function index(CrudIndex $page)
            'id.desc' => 'New first',
            'id.asc' => 'Old first',
            '' => 'Department A-Z',
            '' => 'Department Z-A'

In case of long loading times when sorted by relation attributes it can help to add an index on the column that connects the relation.


Filters are specified in groups. Laravel's model scopes are used to filter the index table as shown in the example:

use Ignite\Crud\CrudIndex;

public function index(CrudIndex $page)
            'Department' => [
                'development' => 'Development',
                'marketing' => 'Marketing',
public function scopeDevelopment()
    return $this->hasOne('App\Models\Department')->where('name', 'development');

public function scopeMarketing()
    return $this->hasOne('App\Models\Department')->where('name', 'marketing');


The maximum number of items to be displayed on a page is defined in perPage. The default is 10.

use Ignite\Crud\CrudIndex;

public function index(CrudIndex $page)
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