

Forms provide a convenient way to store, organize and maintain data of many kinds, such as your page content. You may create as many Forms as you like.

Think of a form as a model with dynamic attributes. Its structure may change at any time. Forms are being managed on a crud-page just like crud models.

Forms are grouped into form collections to keep the overview. For example, the forms home and faq, which contain the page content for the pages home and faq, could be included in the collection pages.

Generate Form

A form can be created using the following artisan command:

php artisan lit:form

A wizard will take you through all required steps. The corresponding config and the controller is created afterwards.

A config file and a controller will be generated. Checkout the model documentation to learn how to apply permissions on forms.

Add the navigation entry by adding the namespace of the newly generated config to your navigation.

use Lit\Config\Pages\HomeConfig;

$nav->preset(HomeConfig::class, ['icon' => fa('home')]),


Define the form config in the created config file: Config/Form/{collection}/{form}Config.php. First the controller must be specified in the config:

use Lit\Controllers\Form\Pages\HomeController;

 * Controller class.
 * @var string
public $controller = HomeController::class;

Form Fields

All form fields for the form are specified in the show method:

public function show($page)
    $page->card(function($form) {

Read the Crud Show documentation to learn more on how to customize your forms.

Retrieve Data

In order to retrieve the form data, you have to add the Form Facade to your controller. Data can now be easily retrieved with the load function like this:

use Ignite\Support\Facades\Form;

$form = Form::load('pages', 'home');

This allows the data to be passed directly to a View.

use Ignite\Support\Facades\Form;

return view('home')->with([
    'home' => Form::load('pages', 'home')

and be used in a Blade template:

<h1>{{ $home->title }}</h1>

Load Using Namespace

If you want to load the form data of a single config, you can also use the static load function of the config. This allows you to "click" directly into the class in your editor.

use Lit\Config\Form\Pages\Home;

$home = HomeConfig::load();

echo $home->title;

Retrive A Full Collection

It is also possible to load all data for a collection as shown in the example:

use Ignite\Support\Facades\Form;

$settings = Form::load('settings');

echo $settings->main->title;
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